Integration Manuals

Integrate with AltaPay

Integrating with AltaPay could not be easier. Choose between Hosted, HTTP POST or XML integration options, or alternatively browse our selection of client libraries and e-commerce platform modules. Imagine having full creative control over payment flow, checkout design, and A/B testing without any card data risk. 


Our APIs are restful web services, and can be accessed by any platform/programming language/framework capable of HTTP requests over an SSL encrypted line. 

Also implemented are a selection of client-side libraries and plug ins for well-known ecommerce platforms and ERP systems. See our Plugins here for more information. 

AltaPay provides full transparency over the logs between our clients’ IT systems and our own. This ensures that when merchants integrate – or run in production – they have the necessary visibility to speed up integration, debug communication between the respective systems, and respond swiftly to any disturbances. 

How to integrate AltaPay?

Using a pre-integrated ecommerce platform?

AltaPay have made it easy to start receiving secure payments to your Demandware, NetSuite or Magento web shop. To get started simply download the relevant integration manual for the plug in you need and request access to our test environment.

Custom built website or using a proprietary ecommerce platform?

If you manage a custom built website, or perhaps run your online business with a proprietary ecommerce platform you will need to integrate directly with AltaPay. Don't worry, for an experienced developer this is simple and straightforward.

To get started just download our integration manual and request a test account.

Want to explore the functionalities behind our plugins?

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