
AltaPay’s solutions can be offered individually or combined. AltaPay offers several benefits to their customers a few of which include: one point of contact, reconciliation, tokenisation, flexibility, customisation and an omni-channel platform. 

AltaPay Solutions

The solutions can be offered individually or combined 

eCommerce solution

Payment Terminals

Card acquiring solution

AltaPay can offer you:

Potential Customer Challenges

• Disconnected payment infrastructure, lack of access to the most widely used payment instruments.

• Struggling to reconcile across different channels and payment lines and as a result were suffering from operational overheads having to manage multiple agreements, vendors, PSPs, and acquirers.

• Limited insights into their data and no omnichannel functionality. 

Solution by AltaPay

• One integration to access all international payment and local payment methods. 

• Complete reconciliation across all sales channels, geographies, and payment methods. 

• Cardholder reconciliation across instore and eCommerce platform in real time by use of tokenization. 

• Omnichannel capability allowing ‘buy in store (Card Present) refund online’ and ‘buy online and refund in store without customer presenting card’. 

Major benefits from AltaPay